Monday, May 21, 2012

Francom Family Pictures

Oh!  I'm dying over her eyes.  Such a beautiful sky blue color!  
These images will be edited so that darker faces will become lighter and colors will look just right (sometimes the camera doesn't get them quite right.)  When you're picking which pictures you'd like to have, please just remember to focus on your expressions and which pictures just "jump" out at you.  

Also, when you hover over the picture it will have some information at the bottom of the screen.  At the end it will say IMG_(a four digit number)_ForPreview.  That four digit number is the number of the picture.  That is the number you'll give to me to let me know which ones you'd like to have on your CD.  You can write the numbers in the comments of the blog post or an email is fine too.  Whatever is easiest for you.  I can also print your pictures for you and I have a price list if you'd like to do that.  Just let me know if you'd like to look at that list.  Please call if you have any questions or concerns.  I will be happy to answer anything.  (801) 653-5626.  Happy choosing!

In this one (below) the "oops" in the bottom left corner is easily fixed.

These next Five images might need some head swapping.  So, if you like these "facing the sun" pictures, you can pick which faces you like best and I'll swap them into one picture if you'd like.  :)  
(Did that make sense?)